Commencemt. Resolved that the players be instructed
of training to report themselves to the Secretary on
August 3rd & that training be commenced
on August 4th.
Season Tickets Resolved that the p? prices
and and entrances for season tickets be
Fixture Cards continued as last season also for
fixture cards.
G. Mahon The Suggestion of the Shareholders at the
decd. Annual Meeting re perpetuating the
memory of the late Geo. Mahon was
considered and it was unanimously
That the Club purchase a Silver
Challenge Cup at a cost not exceeding
Twenty Five guineas to be called "The
George Mahon Challenge Cup." That
such cup always remain the property
of the club; that during such time as
the Directors determine, the cup be
handed to the executive of the L'pool
County Combination to be held by the
Champion club of such Combination
without however either the Executive
of such club or any club, other than
ours having the right of absolute
proprietorship therein.
W. R. Clayton The suggestion by the shareholders
as to recognising the fact that Mr.
Clayton had held office in the club
for 21 years was considered & it was