185 Chairman. Mr. Kirkwood having acknowledged same. Vice Chairman Mr. Davies proposed Mr. Kelly seconded and it was unanimously resolved "That Dr. Whitford be appointed Vice Chairman." Dr. Whitford having acknowledged same. Committees The following Committees were appointed Finance Messrs Clayton, Wade, Whitford & Wilson. Ground, Advertising & Stores A the whole of the Board. Captain 1st team Jno. Sharp 2nd team Wm. Stevenson Sub do 1st team H. Makepeace 2nd team H. W. Mountford Day & Hour At Goodison Park at 6.45 pm. on of Meeting Thursday in each week. Quorum Resolved that four Directors form a quorum. Practice Resolved that two Public practice Games games be held viz. on August 21 & 26. The prices to be 2d Boys 1d Stands 3d. The proceeds to be divided equally between the Hospital Saturday Fund & the Stanley Hospital.