183 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park June 2nd 1909] Present D. Kirkwood Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Clayton Davies Kelly Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of the Finance Meeting & of the last two Meeting of Directors & of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders were read & confirmed. Ground for The Secretary reported that the agreement A Team did not grant us the use of the ground on Holidays & it was decided to accept same as drawn. Argentina The Secretary read letter from Mr. E. A. Bainbridge. Alterations The Secretary reported having to date paid to Mr. Leitch in respect of salaries &c. £288.10.0 & on a/c of his fees £150. He also submitted statement of a/c for materials, wages, tools & implements & reported that some of the a/cs for materials were to be paid by the 6th inst. & others by the 10th inst. That all payments - other than in respect of the Architect's fees - would be made on a/c