THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. PATRON: HIS MAJESTY THE KING. PRESIDENT: THE RIGHT HON. LORD KINNAIRD. SECRETARY: F. J. WALL, F.C.I.S. 104, High Holborn, TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION, LONDON. LONDON W.C., 24th May, 1909. DEAR SIR, The Council of The Football Association desire to call special attention to the proposals which they intend submitting to the next General Meeting relating to the financial arrangements between Clubs and Players. We would remind you that somewhat similar proposals were submitted to the last General Meeting, but not then accepted. The experience of the past year has strongly confirmed the opinion of the Council that the details of financial arrangements between Clubs and Players should be left for arrangement to the parties concerned. Past experience has shown that these regulations have not been observed, and whilst the duty of carrying out the Rules has been placed upon the Council, the corresponding duty of Clubs and others of furnishing information to the Council upon which action could have been taken has not been performed. The Council feel strongly that they ought not to continue in this invidious position. The present restrictions and conditions apply to a comparatively small number of Clubs, and it is suggested, as far as these Clubs are concerned, that they should, through the Leagues or other Competitions to which they belong, make any regulations which they may deem necessary. This could he done under Rule 36. As the great majority of the affiliated Associations and Clubs are not directly affected by these regulations, it is hoped that they will support the proposed alterations and relieve the Members of the Council from what has been a very irksome and unpleasant duty. Yours truly, JNO. CHAS. CLEGG, Chairman. F. J. WALL, Secretary.