Note should be signed by 2 Directors The Everton Football Club Company Limited. BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30th APRIL, 1909. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Nominal Capital £2500, in 2500 Shares Freehold Land................................... 8579 15 9 of £1 each..................................... 2500 0 0 Ground Stands, Hoardings and Erections ---------- at Goodison Park, as at 30th April, 1908 13996 8 3 2210 Shares issued and allotted at Additions ..................................... 49 2 3 15/- per Share paid up .......... 1657 10 0 ----------- 290 Bonus Shares to Old Mem- 14045 10 6 bers............................. 290 0 0 Less 10% now written off ............... 1404 11 0 ---- ---------- 1947 10 0 ----------- 12640 19 6 2500 Office Fixtures, Implements, &c. as at 30th ===== April, 1908................................... 131 9 3 Less 10% now written off ............... 13 2 11 Sundry Creditors ................................................. 219 1 4 ----------- 118 6 4 Unclaimed Dividends .............................................. 29 0 4 Investment- Balance to Credit of Profit and Loss Account ..................... 27833 5 0 £4250 Corporation of Liverpool 3½% Stock at cost........................ 4428 7 6 Sundry Debtors, as valued by the Directors 921 8 0 Sundry Deposits................................. 11 8 0 Cash in London City and Midland Bank and in hand.................................. 3328 11 7 ------------ ----------- £30028 16 8 £30028 16 8 ------------ ----------- We have examine the accounts of the Company, and the above Balance Sheet, and, in accordance with the Companies' Act, 1907, have addressed a separate report thereon to the shareholders. T. THEO. ROGERS, BOWLER & CO. Chartered Accountants. 30 NORTH JOHN STREET, LIVERPOOL, MAY 13th, 1909.