was instructed to notify them to that effect. Architect Resolved that Mr. A. Leitch be paid £150 on a/c of his fees. Ground for The Secretary reported the draft of A Team agreement herein & he was instructed to carry the matter through if satisfied with the terms. Jno. Quinn Resolved that the offer of Hamilton Acs. of £20 for the transfer of John Quinn be accepted. League The Secretary reported a discussion Mgment. Cee. he had had with Messrs Lewis, Sutcliffe & the representatives of the League Clubs in Lancashire and suggested that we give notice of amendment to Rule 3 of the League Rules as follows viz. to enlarge the Committee by 2 representatives & that the 6 representatives of clubs be elected irrespective of division. The suggestion was adopted & the Secretary instructed to give the League due notice thereof. Combination Dr. Whitford reported the business Mgtn. Cee. transacted at the Annual Meeting of the Lanc. Combn. at Bolton & that the Secretary had been elected to the Management Committee. That the fixtures meeting had been fixed for Saturday June 19 & the