Keys of Seal That the Chairman leave his key of seal with Mr. Kirkwood. Insurance That we do not insure the players going of players to Argentina. Cooke Resolved that the consideration of Cooke's engagement be deferred until after the Annual Meeting. Ormesher Resolved that he be not reengaged but granted a free transfer. Speakman Resolved that the Secretary make enquiries re Speakman. List of Shareholders Resolved that the Secretary make his own arrangements as to furnishing Mr. Alty with a list of Shareholders. B. W. P. H. Co. The Secretary reported the receipt of 10/6 being 5% of the takings by the B. W. P. H. Co. of their refreshment bar under the stand. M'Cormack An application by McCormack for a further reduction of his transfer fee was declined. Next Mtg. At Ground on Tuesday at 2.30. D. Kirkwood