163 thereof it is hereby resolved that the number of directors of the Co. shall be 9. Alterations Mr. Leitch attended and reported a/ His reasons for doing the excavating & terracing & concrete work personally and same were accepted as satisfactory. b/ The progress of the work. c/ That only heating tenders were to hand but that he expected the tenders for joining & timber work, brick work, plumbing work & in fact all remaining tenders to be in hand by Monday. Argentina The Secretary reported that cheques for £125 half incidental expenses & £28 for 16 first class fares L'pool to Southampton had been received and that return tickets from Southampton to Buenos Ayres were in transit, and that he was writing re return rail tickets from Southampton to L'pool; that any expense incurred through staying overnight in London must according to Mr. Wall be covered by the grant for incidental expenses. Incidental Resolved that the Directors accompanying Expenses the team give each player & trainer £10 and that the incidental expenses inclusive of such grants do not exceed £250. Also resolved that they take a further £100 to meet any unforeseen expenses extraordinarily incurred.