[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel May 12 1909] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. A Team The application for membership for our A team of the L'pool County Combination was confirmed. Ground The Secretary was instructed to offer the Tramways A.F.C. £30 for the use of their ground on Saturdays & Holidays for Season 1909/10. Old Mower The sale of the Old Lawn Mower for 21/- by the Secretary was confirmed. Alterations Resolved that no amendments to the to Rules Rules be offered by us but that they be considered at next meeting & the deputation to the Annual Meeting of the F. A. instructed accordingly. Proxies Resolved that the Secretary stamp the proxies at the Directors expense.