for firewood at 16/- per ton. To store all scrap iron & lead for further instructions as to disposal. He reported the Mr. Leitch promised that tenders for the remaining work would be in & the total estimated cost of alterations ascertained by Wednesday next. Also that an accident had happened today to one of the men thro' falling from a ladder; & that Mr. Leitch had all the men insured. South Stand Mr. Kelly was asked for his recollection of what transpired at his interview with the Health Committee hereon last year & he stated that the Committee insisted upon handrails to the staircases and partitions to the upper deck, but did not insist upon having the doors on the staircases arranged so as to be opened at will from the staircases. The Secretary reported that the Building Surveyor by his representative had called & stated that such doors must be made available for immediate opening from the staircases & that panic holts should be affixed. Resolved that the Secretary write reminding the Surveyor that he had waived the necessity for this. Nomination The Secretary reported that the following for Directorate nomination had been received Robert Alty, Holly Villa, Carr Lane