155 medals. Miller The Secretary reported that Miller had signed for Rangers & now for Newcastle. Young Falkirk having written asking upon what terms we would transfer Young the Secy. was instructed to suggest an exchange for Simpson. Settle The Secretary reported that Stockport had paid £200 herein. Date & Place Resolved that the Annual Meeting of the of Annl. Mtg. Shareholders be fixed for Monday May 24 at the Exchange Hotel. Application by An application by the Secretary for an Secretary increase of salary was considered & deferred for further consideration at the first meeting of Directors to be held after the Annual Meeting, the Directors going to the Argentine to be empowered to record their votes thereon. Transfer Lists From Hull, Leicester Fosse, Barnsley were read but no action taken. Alterations The Secretary's action in paying £12 on a/c of wages to men engaged by Mr. Leitch to demolish the stands was approved & he was authorised to pay wages for this week also & to have such wages checked. Also to dispose of timber (unfit for use)