THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE, LIMITED. PROPOSED SCHEME. 1. That a Third Division of the Football League be formed, such Division to consist of 20 clubs. 2. That the Southern League shall nominate 18 clubs to form part of such Third Division. 3. That the entrance fee to the Third Division shall be £5 5s. 0d. ; annual sub- scription, £5 5s. 0d. ; and the fee on promotion from Division 3 to Division 2, £100. Two clubs to be promoted and two retire, but to be eligible for re-election. 4. That all clubs joining the Football League shall pay transfer fees in the usual way except that where immediate payment is impossible the Management Committee shall have power to order a club to pay to the League to a special transfer fund to the credit of such club a sum not exceeding 10% of its gross gates until the fund shall be sufficient to meet the club's transfer liabilities. The Management Committee shall also have power to order the payment or allocation of any part of a transfer fee received for a player to the special transfer fund of the club entitled to receive the same. No transfer fees for players who have been 5 years with their present club. 5. The Third Division to have one representative on the Management Committee. 6. The Third Division to be allowed 10 votes only at General Meetings. For the first season the Southern League to settle which of the clubs shall be the 10 entitled to vote, but thereafter the top 10 clubs in the Third Division shall have the voting power. In ascertaining the top 10 clubs, the bottom two in the Second Division at the end of any season shall be deemed to have exchanged places with the top two in the Third. 7. No Southern League club shall be eligible for election to the Second Division of the Football League at the next Annual General Meeting of the Football League.