138 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel April 28th 1909] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Hofton & Cuffe The Secretary reported the non receipt of a reply to his letter from Glossop. Neve The Secretary read reports very favorably of the play of Neve by Lofthouse & Garner but no decision as to his engagement was arrived at. Joe Smith Hull replied that they would not treat for the transfer to us of their outside left. Stevenson Lofthouse reported that this right full back of Hull was very promising. Whittingham Blackpool asked us for our best offer for this player but no action was taken. Dawson The Secretary reported the receipt from them of £75 fee for the transfer of H. Dawson.