135 Bamford Resolved we do nothing in this matter as the price asked by Darwen £250 was too high. Gould As was the case with Gould Bradford City £500. Donnelly & These Leicester Fosse players (the former Walker aged 26) were on offer to us at £400 each. Resolved that they be seen play here next Saturday. Leicester Fosse Loan An application by Fosse for a loan of £400 was deferred & the Directors present here on Saturday next were deputed to ascertain from Fosse what terms they were prepared to make in consideration of such advance. Hanson This left back of Coventry City was very 5'9 11½ st 20 yrs. highly recommended by Mr. T. Garner & it was resolved that Lofthouse be sent to see him play on Saturday and report. Ellis Also that this Right full back of Doncaster 5'9 12 st 22 yrs. Rovers was very good. Resolved that Jno. D. Taylor be asked to see him play on Saturday & report. Players Signed The Secretary reported that 20 players had signed for next Season. Nelson The indemnity herein as prepared by the Secretary and signed by P. Nelson was approved.