Director on Gate 24 Mr. Clayton. " Away 26 & 29 All Directors. London Trip The arrangements (Hotel, Travelling & Theatre) were submitted & approved. Mercer, Pratt, The consideration of the engagement Meunier & Strettle of these players was further deferred. Lanc. F.A. This matter was further deferred pending the receipt of Mr. Wall's observations. T. Jones The Secretary was instructed to offer T. Jones £3 & £3.10.0. Buck The consideration of Buck's reengagement was deferred to next meeting. Mercer & The Secretary's action in allowing these players Strettle to play in a benefit match for W. Hunter of St. Helens Recs. on the 22nd inst. was confirmed. Lanc. F.A. The Secretary reported the return of our deposit £10 in this appeal. Smith The Secretary reported that Smith whose Bury Trades F.C. club had promised to give us his assistance had signed for Bury as an Amateur but that his club were prepared to negotiate with us. Resolved that the Secretary endeavour to secure his engagement to end of Season.