Transfer List Resolved that the following players be placed on the transfer list. Ashcroft free, W. Balmer £100, Chetwood £50, Crews £50, Couper £100, Evans free, Woods £25. S. W. Lanc. Mr. Clayton & the Secretary were deputed to League attend at Widnes tomorrow evening & report. Turner The Secretary read official intimation as to Turner. Wm. Balmer And that the F.A. had given permission for a benefit to Wm. Balmer. Council of Resolved that the nomination of Mr. R. Lanc. F.A. E. Lythgoe be deferred pending information as to our position now that the L'pool & Distt. F.A. had been made a County Asscn. League The Secretary read Postcard asking for Majority suggestions as to celebrating the 21st birthday of the League but no action was taken. Transfer of Resolved that upon receipt of an Shares Nelson indemnity from Mr. P. Nelson. the Co. register him as the holder of 3 shares Nos. 498 to 500 herein now registered in the name of his wife Sarah Nelson lately deceased intestate. Trams Ground The Secretary reported that our offer to rent the Trams ground was declined & he was instructed to negotiate for the Clubmoor ground up to £18.