Vacancy on Resolved that if possible, the vacancy Board on the Directorate (owing to the death of Mr. Mahon) be not filled & that the report to the Shareholders contain a recommendation to that effect. Team for The following players were selected Argentina to go to Argentina Wm. Scott, R. Balmer, J. Maconnachie, V. Harris, J. D. Taylor, H. Adamson, R. Clifford, T. Jones, W. Lacey, B. Freeman, W. White, Rafferty, Mountford. Messrs Bainbridge & Wade in charge. Appeal v It was reported that our appeal Lanc. F.A. herein was successful in so far that the Lanc. F.A. had been ordered to pay to us the share of surplus due & that our deposit fee £10 was ordered to be returned. A vote of thanks was accorded to the Secretary for his advocacy of our appeal. Buck Resolved that the following players be offered engagement for 1909/10. H. Buck, H. Mountford. Bamford Lofthouse reported that Darwen were asking £300 for Bamford who played very well. A team H. Barker was asked to go in Easter Tour charge.