[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel April 6 1909] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Turner The engagement of R. F. Turner at £4 per week with a £10 bonus & £600 transfer fee to Leicester Fosse. Turner to be allowed to live in Leicester for the remainder of the Season & to play cricket well on into August was confirmed. The engagement of Mercer at 30/- per week he to work & if engaged for next season a payment of £35 to Prescot Wire Works F.C. was confirmed. A team The Secretary read letter from the for 1909/10 Tramways A.F.C. re the engagement of their ground on Saturdays next season. Anderson, Resolved that Anderson, Ormesher & Webb & Webb be offered reengagements for Ormesher next season.