Everton F.C. Ltd. (2) communication with them, considering that as they are a local Firm, and anxious to secure the order, you might be disposed to give them a preference. The result of my interview was, that if they obtain the order at the estimated price, they will in addition to what is specified, give the whole of the steelwork an additional cost of paint after erection, and also paint the whole of the Timberwork of the Roof 2 coats of approved colour. They are not busy and will concentrate all their energies on the work. As they are a local firm, of worldwide reputation, and with their works most convenient for inspection, and as they have offered what is practically equal value, I beg to recommend that their offer be accepted. Should you however take the view that the lowest offer be accepted, then I have no hesitation in recommending that the Tender of The Clyde Structural Iron Coy. be accepted. Awaiting your further instruction. I am Gentlemen Your obedt. Servant Archd. Leitch Copy of Letter received from J. Morton & Coy. Ltd. Dear Sir, Re Everton Contract. Referring to our Tender of the 29th inst., & the writers interview with you on Monday last, we beg to state that at the price quoted we will undertake to paint the whole of the Iron & steelwork an additional coat of paint, making 2 coats in all, & also to give the whole of the exposed Timberwork above the Terracing 2 coats of paint after erection. We trust that this will enable you to favor us with the order, and assuring you that the work will be carried out to your entire satisfaction. We are Yours faithfully (sgd) Francis Morton & Coy. Ltd. per R. T. Cooke.