GLASGOW OFFICE CODES USED:—A B C (5TH EDITION): A.I. 1888. 30 BUCHANAN STREET (ARCADE). TELEGRAMS—”TRACING, GLASGOW." TELEPHONE—5197 CENTRAL (P.O.) 5197 ROYAL (NATIONAL). LIVERPOOL OFFICE Archibald Leitch, M.I.Mech.E. 36 DALE STREET TELEGRAMS—”TERRACING, LIVERPOOL." CONSULTING ENGINEER AND FACTORY ARCHITECT TELEPHONE—1314 CENTRAL MANCHESTER OFFICE 36 Dale Street, 78 KING STREET. Liverpool, 31st March 1909. TELEGRAMS—”TERRACING, MANCHESTER." TELEPHONE—7662 Messrs. The Directors of The Everton F.C. Ltd. Gentlemen New Grand Stand & Terracing The following is the List of Teanders received for the steel work of Structure, Roof and Boarding & Slating of same:- The names are placed according to Estimate, the lowest offer first Contactors Time Price Clyde Structural Iron Coy. Ltd. Glasgow 4 Months £ 5687 16 3 Blakeley & Coy. Liverpool 4 -do- 5804 10 - Morton & Coy. Ltd. J. Liverpool 16 Weeks 5928 9 3 Wood & Coy. Ltd., Edward Manchester 18 -do- 6111 - - Pearson & Knowles Ltd. Warrington 17 -do- 6186 2 4 Bruce & Still Ltd. Liverpool 18 -do- 6225 3 4 Estimated Cost 5784 5 - The Lowest offered is a first class firm, who can give you satisfactory work. They have executed most of the latest Grand Stands in the country. The next firm who could be relied upon to work satisfactorily in a big undertaking such as this is J. Morton & Coy. Ltd. of Liverpool, and as suggested by me to Mr. Kelly & Mr. Cuff, I put myself in communication.