For further consideration Anderson, Adamson, Buck, Clifford, Meunier, Mountford, Sharp, Stevenson, Strettle, Webb, Young. To To be engaged R. Balmer, Berry, Borthwick, Coleman, Freeman, Harris, Jones, Lacey, Maconnachie, Makepeace, Osborne, Rafferty, Scott, Taylor & White. Transfer lists The Secretary read lists from Newcastle United Aston Villa Hibs (Main) Distillery (Edmonds) Fulham Plymouth Argyle (McIntyre). Northwich The Secretary was instructed to arrange the visit to Northwich earlier than Apl. 29 if possible. League & The Secretary read the Circular letter Southern League hereon (annexed) & it was resolved to reply to the following queries as follows Q. Are you in favor of amalgamation with the Southern League on the times suggested. A. No. Q. If not are you in favor of amalgamation on any lines. A. No. Q. Have you any alternative Scheme to suggest. A. Yes an invitation to the Southern League to become the 3rd division of the League with similar rights as to promotion as