		it was resolved that he be transferred
		for £1000.

Scott, Harris	These players were granted leave to
Lacey		play v Wales at Belfast on Saturday next.

		The following players were offered to
		Couper (with a trial £100), Dawson £75,
		Crews £50, Chetwood £50, Woods £25, Evans £20.

Sharp		The Secretary was instructed to ascertain
		from Sharp what his suggestions were
		re next Season.

		The Secretary was instructed to Summon
		the players absent from training today
		before the next meeting of Directors.

L'pool Cup	The Secretary was instructed to
Tie  19 Apl	arrange a date after the Easter Holidays.

Notts Forest	March 24 at 3.30 was agreed
		as the date for this match.

Transfer of	M. V. Bainbridge to Geo. Brown
Shares		6 shares 904 to 909.	Passed.

A Team		The consideration of the A team for next
		Season was ordered for next meeting.

Review of	On transfer list:-
players for	Ashcroft (free), Wm. Balmer, Chetwood, Couper,
1909/10		Crews, Dawson, Evans, Ormesher, Pratt, Woods