		asking for £100 & that accordingly nothing
		was done. Resolved that the action
		of the deputation be confirmed & that
		the matter be reported to the authorities.

		Mr. Johnson attended the meeting & the
		above resolution was intimated to him.
		The Secretary also stating that whilst we
		were prepared to accept the player on the
		terms offered by us we could not do so
		in view of punishment being meted out
		to him for his act of misconduct.

Argentine	The Secretary reported the invitation by
		Mr. F. J. Wall to send out our best team
		on May 14 to play a series of matches in
		the Argentine the tour to last 9 weeks
		(3 weeks travelling each way & 20 days in
		Argentina) the terms to be £250 with
		first class travelling and hotel expenses
		for a party of 16.
		Resolved that, if a sufficient number
		of consents be received from the League
		team, the offer be accepted.
Haarlem		In reply to questions the Secretary
		reported that he had made no
		definite arrangements with any
		Continental clubs for matches.

Reports		The League & Combination games were
		reported as were the Irish, Scotch
		& English Welsh Internationals.
Young		The Directors reported that in their opinion
		A. Young was a non trier at Sunderland