Whitford Directors to Sunderland Messrs Bainbridge & Wade. on Gate Mr. Davies. To Glasgow International Mr. Bainbridge. Nottingham do Dr. Whitford. Police A. S. The Secretary reported that the Police A. S. had accepted on terms for the use of our ground for July 3 1909. The Architect had expressed his consent to this & other fetes as not interfering with the alterations. Haarlem F. C. This Club having written asking us to play there on May 2nd. the Secretary was instructed to accept on payment of £65 provided it would fit in with the arrangements now in progress with the Racing Club de Bruxelles. Freeman The Secretary reported Freeman's selection for England v Wales on the 15 inst. The use of the ground prior to next Saturday's Combn. game was granted for a L'pool- B'head schoolboy's match. E. A. Bainbridge