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Reference number
796 EFC/1/1/7
Minutes 1907-1908
20 Aug 1907-14 Oct 1908
Contains minutes of general meetings, annual general meetings, extraordinary meetings.
28 Aug 1907 permission was granted to Bovril Ltd. and British Workmen P.H. Co. for a refreshment counter at Goodison Park. This was renewed for a further 3 years on 2 Jun 1908. Nov 1907-Feb 1908 various problems with player discipline reported. 26 Mar 1908 arrangements for a Continental tour reported. 8 Apr 1908 W. C. Cuff reported that Woolwich Arsenal were willing to transfer B. Freeman. 25 Jul 1908 a resolution by shareholders asking for a reduction in the cost of season tickets for shareholders was approved. 2 Jun 1908 thanks were given to George Mahon for his services as Chairman on his retirement. It was resolved that 15 medals of 9 carat gold be obtained for presentation to the players to commemorate having won the Combination Championship. 19 Sep 1908 the committee agreed to vote at a F.A. Meeting in favour of the retention of the rule limiting players' wages, but for freedom of action concerning bonuses.
Minutes signed by George Mahon, Edward Askew Bainbridge, B. Kelly, W. R. Clayton, D. Kirkwood.
League and Combination Team Results 1907-08 pasted to inside front cover and flyleaf. Chancery of Lancashire document pasted to back of page 1. Agenda for meetings pasted in and loose throughout volume. Letter from the Players' Union pasted at end of minutes for 8 Apr 1908. 27 Apr 1908 retained player list pasted in. Letters giving notice of the A.G.M. on 25 May 1908 including balance sheet, and an admission ticket and a copy of a resolution by the Everton Football Club Co. Ltd. to hold an extraordinary general meeting on 25 May 1908 pasted in next to the minutes. Notice of an Extraordinary General Meetings held on 12 Jun and 14 Aug 1908 and other documents pasted in before minutes of meeting. Insurance cover note from The Football Mutual Insurance Federation covering players and a letter from the F.A. pasted in next to minutes of 14 Aug 1908. Insurance documents pasted next to minutes of the meeting on 14 Oct 1908.
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