74. Transfer of Geo. Mahon to F. J. Atkinson Shares 3 shares 946 to 948 do to J. C. Cross 2 No. 1669 & 2318 fully paid do to Ellen Dickinson 2 shares Nos. 239 and 949 Mark Howarth to Wm. Harrop 7 shares 2470 to 2476 do to Wm. Jno. Harrop 3 Shares 2477 to 2479 F. J. Mahon to Ellen Dickinson 1 share No. 640 do to T. J. Tyrer Junr. 1 share (20/-) 2433 do George Dickinson 3 Shares 637 to 639 T. S. Salisbury to T. G. Tyrer Junr. 1 share 2169 passed. The Secretary’s action in ordering 1 dozen jerseys from F. A. Lumley @ 54/- and 1 dozen from the Scotch Wool Stores was confirmed. Tickets for The Secretary was instructed to apply for Final £6 worth of ring tickets. Also to pay Royal Insurance Co. 3/6 insurance through the Secretary's agency. Dewar Shield The Secretary read circular letter from League hereon. Aston Villa The Villa's application for backs and Half backs mentioning Maconnachie was declined.