69. Motion re Resolved that the day of meeting be Meeting changed from Tuesday to Thursday. The Secretary read letter from Mr. S. Gleaves asking for a team to be sent to Cobridge & the request was favorably considered if suitable date could be arranged & expenses paid. Director to Sunderland Mr. Bainbridge on Gate Mr. Clayton Motion to pay A motion to increase the pay of players Junior players who are selected to play in League match but who do not so play, with reference to Woods in particular, was lost. Notts County Resolved we travel to Nottingham by the 8.45 am. train on Xmas Day. Transfer of G. Mahon to A. H. Taylor shares 3 15/- shares 231 to 233 Passed Collins The Secretary was instructed to make an appointment with Collins for Friday night at Sunderland & to arrange with Mr. Bainbridge accordingly. Alterations The Secretary read letter from the City Building Surveyor re rails to stair- cases, partitions to stand & alteration of exit doors & he was instructed to Confer with Mr. Kelly, who had left the meeting.