
		but denied that it was to excess, he
		promised to be teetotal for the future &
		was reminded of a similar promise
		when before the Board in November.
		The Directors resolved to severely
		reprimand him, to hold him to his
		promise & to warn him that any further
		trouble would lead to the reconsideration
		of his Benefit.

Team v				Scott
Sunderland		Stevenson	R. Balmer
		Makepeace	Maconnachie	Abbott
		Sharp	Bolton	Jones	Settle	Woods
		Donnachie Reserve also Mountford

v Rossendale			Sloan
			Strettle	Crelley
		Adamson		Taylor		Chadwick
		Rafferty	Cooke	Young	Mountford	Winterhalder

		The Trainers made their reports.
		The Doctor's report was read.
		The League & Combination games were

Buck		The Tranmere Rovers & Whitchurch game
		was reported and it was arranged
		that Buck be signed on Amateur League
		& Combination forms & that he be promised
		a game with us on New Year's Day.
		The Secretary read letter from Tranmere
		that Portsmouth intended to approach