59 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park November 26th 1907] Present Geo. Mahon Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Bainbridge Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. The payments of 5/4 training at Club Moor in August 12 and £16.3.7 for T. Booth's contract were confirmed. St. Helens The Secretary was instructed to offer the Town 28th prox. to St. Helens Town. ½ gross Jany. 1 The arrangement with St. Bernards was deferred pending a reply from Aston Villa. Reports The Drs. report was read. The League & combination games were reported. The trainers made their reports. Douglas The Secretary reported a very favorable opinion of Douglas & he was instructed