
v Bolton			Sloan
Wands. Res.		Stevenson	Crelley
		Booth		Maconnachie	Chadwick
		Rafferty  Graham   Jones  Mountford  Winterhalder

Director to Bolton	Mr. Wilson
   do	 on Gate	Dr. Baxter

Winterhalder	The Secretary read letter from Winterhalder
		complaining at his non inclusion in 
		first team on Saturday & asking to be
		put on transfer list. Resolved that his
		request be declined & that the Secretary
		explain the position to him.
		Mr. Kelly withdrew his notice of motion.

King (Blackpool) Resolved that a donation of Two
		guineas be sent to King of Blackpool.

Alterations	Certificate for the payment of £50 to
		Worrall & Co. further on a/c was presented
		& cheque for that amount ordered to be sent.

		The Secretary reported that damage had
		been caused to the westerly portion of the
		roof & gable of the South stand - evidently
		caused by the wind on Tuesday evening last
		& that the Architect had been notified.

Shares		Eleanora Tomlinson to R. W. Whitford
		10 shares 15/- 950 to 959
		1  £1   do	2419.		Passed.

Assessment	The Secretary reported the visit of the overseers