
		The games at Chelsea & Home were

v Notts F.			Scott
			    W. & R. Balmer
		Makepeace	Taylor		Chadwick
		Sharp	Bolton	Young	Mountford    H. P. Hardman

v Rossendale			Sloan
			Strettle	Crelley
		Adamson		Maconnachie	Stevenson
		Donnachie   Graham   Jones  Winterhalder  Woods
		Cooke to go.

Directors to Rossendale Mr. Wade & Mr. Kelly if possible.

	on Gate Dr. Whitford.

W. Black	Resolved that W. Black see Dr. Broad.

		Resolved that the Goalkeeper from
		Birmingham be offered a trial on the
		9th prox.

Tranmere	The Left back (Prince) & the right & left
Rovers		half backs of Tranmere Rovers were
		strongly recommended.

Goodison	The Secretary reported the receipt from Dr.
Avenue		Molyneux of a letter & that he had
		written the Architect thereon.

Checkogram	Resolved that cheque for £80 half years
		rent be sent to Checkogram.