38 permission for two sandwich men to go around the inside of the ground at half time was approved. The Secretary being instructed to endeavour to have the Empire Bioscope included but on condition that the Programme Syndicate were not prejudiced in their theatrical advertisement. Goalposts The Secretary was empowered to bring in the goal posts a space not exceeding 7 feet & to fill in the cinder track behind the north goal with grass. Also to notify the Architect as to the reason for this step. Hours of The Secretary was instructed to affix Business a notice that his hours of business were 10 to 1 2.30 to 5 Saturdays 10 to 1 Water The Secretary's action in having the water supply to the Pavilion having direct connection with the main was approved. Crelley An application by Oldham Athletic for Crelley was declined for the present. Rouse In response to enquiries the Secretary was instructed to ask Leeds City, Hull, Chelsea & Birmingham for their best offer for Rouse. Prescot A. Prescot Athletic Club were asked to