
Director on Gate Mr. Bainbridge

Makepeace	The Secretary reported the Selection of H.
		Makepeace as left half back for English
		League v Irish League on Saturday next
		at Sunderland & he was instructed to
		accompany him with the usual powers.

Motion re	Mr. Wade's motion to place Donnachie
Donnachie	on the transfer list not being seconded
		the same was dismissed.

Press to	The question of extending the hospitality
Away matches	of the Club to Press reporters at away
		matches was left in the hands of
		those in charge.

Posters		The threat to materially reduce the number
		of posters having had a beneficial effect
		notice was given to rescind the resolution
		to reduce such number by 50.

Motion		Mr. Clayton gave notice that at the next
re Lpool &	meeting he would move.
Dist. F. A.	That the officers of the Lpool & Dist. F. A.
		viz. President, Vice President, Secretary &
		Treasurer be admitted on to the Directors
		Stand on production of their Association

Lanc. Cup	Resolved that any one be empowered
Tie at Burnley	to visit this match on Monday.

Lanc. Cup	The Secretary presented statement of