
 Name and Address of Player or Trainer Insured.    Date of       Remarks.   Name and Address of Player or Trainer Insured.	Date of        Remarks.
						Commencement of 							     Commencement of
					          Liability.									Liability.


		   1. The name of the Combination shall be “THE FOOTBALL		tion upon the Clubs as beforementioned in respect of Claims
		MUTUAL INSURANCE FEDERATION.”						arising during the period of its membership and the year in 
											which the resignation is tendered.
		   2. The objects of the Federation shall be the Mutual			
		Insurance of the Clubs in membership against claims by players		   9. The first Board of Management shall retire on the 1st
		and trainers under the "Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1906,		day of August, 1908. The Directors thereafter shall be ap-
		as hereinafter restricted.						pointed annually as from that date by the respective Leagues.
											Any vacancy arising during any year shall be filled by the
		   3. The Insurance covered by the Federation shall be claims 		appointment of a new Director by the League which the retiring
		under the said Act, in case of death, and cases of partial or 		Director represented.
		total disablement arising during the engagement of any insured 		
		player, but only so far as such Claim for disablement shall 		   10. The entry fee under Rule 6 must be paid annually,
		extend beyond the 30th day of April succeeding the injury.		not later than 1st day of October in each year. An entry fee 
											of £1 for every additional player insured after that date must
		   4. The Board of Management, who shall have full control 		be paid prior to his being played, otherwise responsibility will
		over the Federation, and whose decision shall be final, shall		not be accepted for any injury arising prior to the payment
		consist of six Directors, two appointed by each of the following 	of the fee for such player.
		organisations:—The Football League, The Scottish Football 		 
		League, and the Southern Football League, and a Chairman 		   11. Names of all players insured must accompany the
		to be appointed by the Directors in addition annually in rotation	proposal. The Directors shall have power to demand at any
		from each of the three beforementioned Leagues. The Secre-		time medical evidence as to the fitness of any player proposed
		taries of the respective Leagues shall be the resident Secretaries	or insured, and to reject any proposal.
		of the Federation, subject to the approval of the Directors.		 
											   12. The Board of Management shall have power to make
		   5. Membership of the Federation shall be open to all 		any necessary Bye-laws in connection with the management,
		Clubs, subject to the approval of the Board of Management. 		control, and working of the Federation, and generally to deal
		All policy-holders shall be deemed to be Members. All policies 		with all matters in connection therewith, whether provided
		shall be signed by one Director and a Resident Secretary.		for in these Rules or not.
		   6. All Clubs in membership shall pay an entry fee of £1 		   13.The working expenses shall be in the discretion of the
		per player or trainer insured, or such other sum as entry fee 		Board of Management, and shall form a charge upon the funds
		as may from time to time be agreed upon by the Board of			of the Federation.
											   14. The bank account shall be kept in the name of the
		   7. The Board of Management shall have power at any time 		Federation at such bank or banks as the Board of Management
		they think fit to make a pro rata levy per individual insured 		may determine.
		on the Clubs in membership, and fix the time of its payment 		
		to meet claims arising during the term of membership of such 		   15. Notice of alteration of Rules must be given to any
		Clubs.									of the Resident Secretaries on or before the 30th day of April
											in each year, and must he issued to the Clubs in membership
		   8. Any Club resigning their membership shall forfeit all 		prior to the 20th day of May in each year. No alteration shall
		rights in the funds and assets of the Federation, but shall 		take effect unless approved by a majority of the members.
		continue liable for any levy which may be made by the Federa-		


		   1. The members shall give written notice and full parti-		   5. The Federation may in the name of the Member, but
		culars to a Resident Secretary of any accident which involves 		at its own expense, institute, defend, conduct, and control,
		incapacity for a period of 4 weeks during the period prior to 		any negotiations, actions, or proceedings in relation to any
		the 30th day of April in each year, and shall within 7 days 		claim and enforce for its own benefit any right vested in the
		after said date give notice in writing of all outstanding cases 	Member against third parties, and shall indemnify any such
		of incapacity. Should any further cases transpire arising out 		Member in connection therewith.
		of an accident prior to said 30th day of April, "The Member"			
		must notify a Resident Secretary within seven days after same 		   6. Members may withdraw a player’s or trainer’s name
		has come to their knowledge.						and in lieu thereof substitute another player or trainer, on the
											distinct understanding that the Federation will be free of all
		  2. In all cases of death intimation must at once be made 		liability to indemnify the Member in respect of any claims at
		to a Resident Secretary.						the instance of the player or trainer withdrawn. Such with -
											drawal and substitution shall not take effect until endorsed
		  3. The Member shall give all information and assistance 		hereon.
		required by the Federation to enable the latter to investigate 			
		and to settle or resist any claim.					   7. This Policy is issued subject to the present Rules of the
											Federation, and also subject to them, as they may, from time
		  4. The Member shall not admit any liability or settle any 		to time, be altered.
		claim without the written authority of the Federation.