Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Oct. 14th 1908. Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Dr. Baxter Messrs Clayton Davies Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of last meeting and of Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. Transfer fees The Secretary was instructed to write to Preston N. E. Stockport County for payment & in default to claim interest at 4% from Septr. 1st. Pathephone It was decided that the Pathephone was not suited to our ground. Benefits The Secretary reported that the F. A. had granted permission to augment the receipts of the match for Balmer R. & Makepeace's benefit if necessary so that each player may receive not less than £300. Lanc. Navy It was decided to adhere to our League previous decision herein. Reports The Trainer made his report. The matches v Bury & the Inter League game were reported.