292 Director on Gate Mr. Wilson Players for The Secretary was instructed to offer transfer the following players for transfer Crews £50 Donnachie £350 Couper £350 Chetwood £50 £100 Training Resolved that the first team be taken to West Kirby on Friday & afterwards to the Empire Theatre 2nd house. Elliott Resolved that Elliott be allowed the same expenses whilst at London as paid to the players & that he be paid the further £3. Robertson This St. Mirren Centre half was highly spoken of. St. Helens Recs. This team was reported to have some good players. Transfer of Grace Maver to Jno. C. Alcock. Shares 4 shares 15/- pd. 838 to 841 1 " fully pd. 2344 passed. Essex & The Secretary reported that a further Suffolk £208 (groundsmen, clerk & cleaner) had been added to our previous declaration of wages herein. Olympia The Secretary reported the receipt of an open Season ticket for 2 for the Olympia.