290 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park September 30 1908] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of last meeting and of the finance meeting were read & confirmed. Berry The Secretary reported that Berry had come to reside in Liverpool. Insurance The Secretary's action in effecting an Insurance with the Royal on the Gatemen, Groundsmen, Clerks & cleaner at an annual premium of £2.3.6 was confirmed. Ormesher The Secretary reported having obtained from L'pool F.C. the Combination transfer of this player. Benefits Resolved that the consideration of this matter be deferred to next meeting. Pathephone The Secretary was instructed to offer facilities for the Pathephone concert to be given from the Directors Balcony on the 10th prox.