		as assistant on match days.
		Resolved that his temporary engagement
		be terminated at the end of the month.

Transfer of	A. M. Macfarlane to Jas G. Bell
Shares			3 shares 2166-8		passed.

South stand	Mr. Kelly was deputed to arrange for
		a barrier along the front of the double
		decker to prevent stones &c. falling

D. Gordon	This player was reported to be on
		transfer by Middlesbro.

L'pool Police	An application for concessions as to
Guild		admission was declined.

Pathephone	The Secretary was instructed to
		arrange for a selection on the
		Pathephone on Saturday next if
		no charge.

Wildman		The Secretary was empowered to grant
		a complimentary ticket for the 1/- stand to
		Wm. Wildman.

Lasts		The Chairman of Stores Cee. Mr. Kirkwood
		& the Secretary were instructed to
		obtain lasts for the players boots.

Football	The Secretary reported that many of
Boots		the players complained of the boots
		supplied by J. Sharp & required new