278 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Septr. 16 1908] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Clayton Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Ashcroft The Secretary reported that this player had signed for 10/- per week confirmed. Osbourne and The Secretary was instructed to lose no Webb time in offering these players engagements on similar terms he to use his discretion as to offering Osbourne better terms if expedient. Berry Having read letter from Berry the Secretary was instructed to engage him to give his whole time to football at £3 per week. Strettle, The Secretary reported Strettle's reason W. Balmer & for his non attendance at training on the Donnachie 9th inst. W. Balmer attended and was spoken to as to his in attendance for training. It was resolved that all players attend