266 Wigan A donation of Twenty five pounds be Disaster made to the Lord Mayor's Fund for the relief of the sufferers through the Wigan Colliery disaster. F.A. The Secretary read telegram received Letter today from Mr. Rinder as follows:- " Cuff Everton F. C. Liverpool " Am calling meeting of clubs at " Manchester Friday to discuss F.A. " Letter what clubs do you suggest I " should summon wire or write me to " Aston Rinder, Aston Villa. Resolved that the Secretary reply our willingness to attend such meeting and that Mr. Clayton & the Secretary do represent the club at such meeting. W. H. Jones The Secretary was instructed to offer this player an engagement for one month on trial if R. P. Gregson's report satisfactory. Teams v The selection of teams v Southport Central Sport Central &c. Woolwich Nomads & Bristol City was deferred to Saturday. Exit Gates Mr. Wade was deputed to make the best arrangement possible with Worralls. E. A. Bainbridge