The Everton Football Club Company LIMITED. An EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Members of the Everton Football Club Company Limited will be held at the Registered Offices of the Company, Goodison Park, Liverpool, on Friday, the 14th day of August, 1908, at 7-30 o’clock in the evening. BUSINESS. To consider and if deemed expedient pass the following resolution, or such modification thereof (if any) as may be determined, viz.:- RESOLUTION. "THAT A MEMBER HOLDING A Free Share (which in this resolution means a share originally allotted as fully paid up 'free of cost') and one or more Ordinary Shares to be entitled to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders’ B Stand, or to admission for Self to Shareholders' A Stand at 2s. 6d. per annum, or to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders' A Stand at 5s. per annum.” "THAT A MEMBER HOLDING One Free Share and nine Ordinary Shares or upwards to be entitled to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders' A Stand at 2s. 6d. per annum.” "THAT A MEMBER HOLDING Three Ordinary Shares be entitled to admission for Self to Shareholders' B Stand at 2s. 6d. per annum. Three Ordinary Shares be entitled to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders' B Stand, or to admission for Self to Shareholders' A Stand at 5s. per annum. Three Ordinary Shares be entitled to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders' A Stand at 7s. 6d. per annum. Six Ordinary Shares be entitled to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders' B Stand, or to admission for Self to Shareholders' A Stand at 2s. 6d. per annum. Six Ordinary Shares be entitled to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders' A Stand at 5s. per annum. Fifteen Ordinary Shares or upwards be entitled to admission for Self and Lady to Shareholders' A Stand at 2s. 6d. per annum." "In the event of any Shareholder transferring his Shares in block, the right to Season Ticket to follow to the transferee." "Shareholders and other Season Ticket holders not admitted to Cup Ties, Benefit Matches for Players, or Charity Matches." By order of Directors, W. C. CUFF, Secretary. GOODISON PARK LIVERPOOL, D. Kirkwood 5TH AUGUST, 1908.