THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE, COPY OF LETTER Dear Sir, LTD. Statements have been made from time to time that the Rules were not being observed by some of the Clubs and Players, and it has also been stated that in some cases this arises from the fact that the 47, TITHEBARN STREET, present Managers have found themselves fettered, and, to some extent, bound in their action by the PRESTON, actions of their predecessors, and that if they could be assured that no proceedings would be taken for August 12th, 1908. past breaches, that there is now a disposition to act in future in accordance with the Rules. I shall be glad if you will bring the matter to the attention of your Clubs, and to be informed whether if such assurance was given by The Football Association the Clubs belonging to your League would honourably bind themselves not only to observe the Rules in future, but to report forthwith any cases in which they have reason to believe the Rules were not being observed, and that there should be no feeling that in so doing they were acting as DEAR SIR, informers, but simply carrying out an honourable undertaking. I herewith hand you copy of letter received I am also desired to enquire whether in the event of future breaches being proved against any of your Clubs your League would be disposed to deal from the Football Association, and also a copy of the drastically with any offenders so far as their Member- ship was concerned. resolutions passed by the Management Committee My Committee will be glad to have your reply at your early convenience, as it would no doubt affect the action which they feel that they must take in relating to same. Please bring this before your the near future. Committee, and let me have their opinion at an Believe me, Yours truly, (Signed) F. J. WALL. early date. COPY OF RESOLUTIONS That this Committee assures the Football Associa- tion that they are willing to render every possible assistance in carrying out the Rules of the Football Association. Yours truly, That a copy of Mr. Wall's letter be sent to the D. Kirkwood clubs in membership with the League, asking for their views on the matter, and that such replies be T. CHARNLEY. considered at the next meeting of this Committee.