19 Photos Several photographers having applied of teams for permission to photograph the team permission was granted. Tranmere Tranmere Rovers F. C. having written Rovers F. C. asking for the payment of £40 under their agreement with us as a convenience it was resolved that same be paid. Complimentary The proposal to issue further Complimentary Tickets tickets was deferred to next meeting. An application to admit tram car drivers & conductors to League matches at half price was considered and granted - admission to be through the boys gate to those only in uniform. Transfer of F. H. Tomkinson to Geo. Tomkinson Shares 5 shares (15/-) 2093-2097 passed. The Secretary reported that a good centre half had been recommended to him & he was instructed to write him for a trial. Shares The Secretary read letter from Mr. S. Greig 134 George St. one of the executors of the will of Wm. Miller dece'd (a shareholder) asking for the approval of the Board to a transfer of the deceased's shares by the representatives to Wm. Miller (a son) without the necessity of proving the will (the shares constituting the only estate) & the payment of the dividend