[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, July 1st 1908.] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq Chair Messrs Kirkwood Mahon Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of meetings of June 10th and 12th were read and confirmed. The printed copy of Resolution confirmed on June 12 was read & approved. The print of suggested resolution as amended in red ink by the share - holders at the informal meeting of June 12 was read explained and approved. The minutes of the Ground & Finance Committees were read & confirmed. Alterations The Secretary reported a telephonic communication from the Architect as to the Balance due from the Co. to the Contractor and it was decided to await the receipt of Architect's Certificate. The Secretary read letter from the Architect re the Contractors charge for removing rubbish in which he stated that the Contractor had agreed to reduce same by £7.10.8 making the balance due him at £880 and