236 The subjoined resolution prints whereof have today been sent to the Company's Solrs. for Registration June 18 '08. The Everton Football Club Company Limited. PASSED 25th MAY, 1908; CONFIRMED 12th JUNE, 1908. At an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Of the EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPANY LIMITED, duly convened and held at the EXCHANGE STATION HOTEL, TITHEBARN STREET, LIVERPOOL, ON THE 25th DAY OF MAY, 1908, the subjoined Resolution was duly passed; and at a subsequent EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF THE SAID COMPANY, also duly convened and held at the same place, ON THE 12th DAY OF JUNE, 1908, the subjoined Special Resolution was duly confirmed. RESOLUTION. That the provisions of the Company's Memorandum of Association with respect to the objects of the Company be altered in manner following, that is to say :- 1. By cancelling paragraph (a) of Clause 3. 2. By inserting in lieu of the said paragraph (a) of Clause 3 the following paragraph :- "(a) To give to members of the Company and others privileges with regard to "admission to the Company's grounds and seating accommodation by granting "them season tickets or otherwise at such prices on such terms as the "Company may determine and for that purpose to make regulations from "time to time Provided always that any member or other person who would "under paragraph (a) Clause of 3 of the Company's Memorandum of Association "as originally framed have been entitled to any right with regard to "admission to the Company's grounds and seating accommodation shall have "the option (unless and until such option shall be released) of continuing to "have the same rights with regard to admission and seating accommodation "as he would have had under the said paragraph (a) as originally framed in "lieu of such altered rights with regard to admission and seating accommo- "dation as may from time to time be offered by the Company to its members "and all regulations made by the Company for the regulation of the privileges "of members and others with regard to admission and seating accommo- "dation shall be framed accordingly Provided also that such option shall be "deemed to have been released by any member or other person who or "whose predecessor in title shall have accepted any such altered rights as "aforesaid." W. C. CUFF, SECRETARY. E. A. Bainbridge.