230 Fixtures Meeting The Committee submitted their arrange- ments and outside invitations for this outing on Saturday next and same were approved. W. Black The Secretary's action in transferring Wm. Black to Kilmarnock for £75 - cheque being received - was confirmed. L. Cook The Secretary read reply from Jno. Sharp but it was resolved that we do not offer Cook an engagement. Hospital Saty. The application of the Hospital Saturday Fund Fund for the whole of the proceeds of the Practice games was considered and it was resolved that as heretofore they be equally divided between the Stanley Hospital and the Saturday Fund. Dividend a/c The payment of £89.17.9 to the Bankers in respect of dividends paid by them in Season 1907/8 was passed. Resolved also that we pay them the sum of £97.7.6 in respect of this years dividends. Brown The Secretary reported that Sheffield United were prepared to receive offers for the transfer of Brown & the Chairman & he were instructed to visit Sheffield tomorrow with full powers. Insurance The Secretary read letter from The Essex