226 and Kilmarnock F. C. & he was instructed to ask for £75 for the transfer of this player with discretion to take £50. Mearns The Secretary read application from Mearns for position as goal keeper but same was declined. Booth The Secretary reported enquiry from Oldham for Booth & from Booth that he was appealing to the League. Crelley Also that Crelley was appealing for a reduction of his transfer. Checkogram Also from Checkogram as to what extra rent we were prepared to pay for the installation for Empire Day. Bigden Resolved we do not entertain this player. Hospital An application for the whole of the Saturday Fund receipts from the Practice games was deferred. L. Cook This player having obtained a free transfer the Secretary was instructed to ascertain what wages he would require. Bovril The Secretary was instructed to renew the Contract with Bovril Ltd. for 3 Years at £17.10.0 per annum