
Alterations	Mr. Kelly made his report on the
		Architects final a/cs & after discussion
		it was resolved that the Board go
		into same at the next meeting & that
		the Architect be asked to attend.

H. P. Hardman	The Secretary read letter from Mr. H. P.
		Also letters from the F.A. re the proposed
		testimonial & his reply thereto was

Chairman	Mr. Clayton proposed that
		Mr. Jno. Davies
		be elected Chairman.
		Mr. Davies declined to stand.
		Dr. Whitford proposed that
		Mr. W. R. Clayton
		be elected Chairman.
		Mr. Clayton declined to stand.
		Mr. Davies proposed
		Mr. Clayton seconded
		and it was resolved unanimously
		that Mr. E. A. Bainbridge be
		elected Chairman for the ensuing
		Mr. Bainbridge having returned thanks
Vice Chairman	Dr. Baxter proposed
		Dr. Whitford seconded
		and it was unanimously resolved
		that Mr. D. Kirkwood be elected
		Vice Chairman for the ensuing