[Extraordinary meeting of Shareholders
held at the Exchange Hotel May 25th
Chairman Mr. E. A. Bainbridge presiding.
Notice The Secretary read the notice
convening the meeting.
The Secretary explained the purport
of the resolution & in doing so
referred to the requisition of the
Shareholders of July 1907 calling a
meeting with a view to the reduction
in price of the Season tickets to
Shareholders, that the resolution
now before them was the directors
suggested method of carrying out
the proposal of that meeting & that
the procedure, in the event of this
resolution being carried by the
necessary majority, would be to
have such resolution confirmed by
the Court and, this done, to convene a
meeting (extraordinary) of the Share-
holders to pass the necessary
resolutions fixing the prices of the
season tickets & altering the articles
of association of the Co. accordingly.
After several questions had been
put and answered.
Mr. Proposed
Mr. Seconded