15 City Res Sloan Stevenson Crelley Booth Maconnachie Chadwick Donnachie Graham Couper Mountford Winterhalder v Preston Scott North End W & R Balmer Makepeace Maconnachie Abbott Sharp Bolton Young Rouse H. P. Hardman Carlisle Sloan Stevenson Crelley Black Chadwick Adamson Donnachie Graham Couper Mountford Winterhalder Directors to Manchester Mr. Wilson Carlisle Mr. Bainbridge on Gate Saturday Mr. Wilson Monday Dr. Whitford Band Resolved we do not have a Band. Turnstiles The Secretary's action in ordering Ellisons to fix uniform locks to all the turnstiles was approved. Alterations The Secretary reported the receipt from Mr. Hartley of a certificate for the payment to A. J. Phillips & Co. of £521.14.0 in settlement of the contract for concreting & it was resolved that a cheque for £250 be sent on a/c pending an inspection thereof by the directors.